Christmas Stock Footage for Your Seasonal Videos
Explore Christmas stock videos in Artlist for the season Explore Christmas stock videos in Artlist for the season Explore Christmas stock videos in Artlist for the season Explore Christmas stock videos in Artlist for the season Explore Christmas stock videos in Artlist for the season


Learn about the type of videos that make great content during the holiday season.
Explore ways to set the mood for the holidays by adding royalty-free music, sound effects, and Christmas stock footage into your videos.
Gain inspiration from our picks of the top 10 most popular Christmas stock videos.

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The need for social creators to prepare Christmas-related material

With the holidays swiftly approaching, social creators should start thinking about their seasonal video content now. Marketing campaigns at Christmas naturally draw on the emotions and spirit of the season—making it an ideal time to post content. In fact, data from a Q3 Sprout Social pulse survey shows that by the end of November, 89% of marketers will have already begun their holiday push on social media. So, there’s no better time than the present to get those creative juices flowing!

Type of videos that are created for the seasonal period

There are all kinds of videos that make for great content during the holidays, but traditionally, those that pull on your audience’s heartstrings will perform the best. Here are a few examples:

  • Show your team volunteering at a nonprofit organization during the holidays
  • Create a video montage of your place of business decorated for the season
  • Interview colleagues or shoot man-on-the-street videos asking individuals to share their favorite holiday memory
  • Create a customer appreciation video that personally thanks them for their loyalty
  • Share a highlight reel featuring your organization’s biggest milestones throughout the year

How to set the mood for the Christmas spirit

As a creator, one of the best ways to set the mood and get your audience in the holiday spirit is by incorporating royalty-free Christmas music into your videos. Oftentimes, this will spark a fond memory in the viewer and draw them in—encouraging them to continue watching.

Adding animation to your videos showing Santa Claus, reindeer, or elves working at the North Pole, for example, will naturally evoke joy. Similarly, by incorporating Christmas sound effects such as sleigh bells ringing, children laughing, or a choir singing, you’ll help set the mood for the Christmas spirit.

How Christmas stock footage helps content creators and how to incorporate it into video creations

Incorporating holiday stock videos such as Christmas lights stock footage and Christmas tree stock footage into your projects is a great way to gain your viewer’s attention and draw them in. For example, adding videos of snowfall, gift wrapping, or ice skating will create a holiday association for the viewer. Additionally, anytime you add footage of people enjoying the sights and sounds of the season, it personalizes the video—making it more relatable to your audience.

Top 10 most popular Christmas stock videos for inspiration

Need some inspiration? The following are our top 10 picks for the most popular Christmas stock videos (and suggestions on how to use them):

Decorations, Christmas, Christmas tree, Holiday

This clip would make a great introduction for a video that segways to a close-up shot of a family sitting around a Christmas tree—perfectly setting the holiday mood.

Present, Ornaments, Holidays, Wrapping Paper






This clip could be edited into the beginning or the end of a video similarly to b-roll footage, by incorporating a voice-over actor’s narration about the holiday season.

Christmas, Seasonal Tree, Festive, Decorating

Since this clip features actors, it might be a good fit for a generic holiday video sent from a company or service. You could include a voice-over and/or add graphics to the video reading something along the lines of, “Merry Christmas From Our Family to Yours.”

Dinner Guests, Dining Table, Christmas Decorations, Celebration

This stock footage would be a great fit for a Christmas commercial that promotes a grocery store or a specific holiday food item. The clip could be edited midway through the video after showing the purchase of the food items in the store.

Christmas, Decoration, Festive Lights, Illuminated

This clip could be used to complement an animated video that features Santa Claus, reindeer, or elves at the North Pole. The shiny and sparkly 3D image would be very appealing to a young audience.

Christmas, Candle, Decoration, Ornament

This clip would make a great opening shot for a real estate video or neighborhood video, as the camera slowly zooms into the house, drawing the viewers in.

Christmas, Candle, Decoration, Ornament

Due to its simplistic nature, this video clip could be used in a Christmas e-card—incorporating a greeting or message with graphics. It would also work for a simple video message on social media, adding personalized captions to the post.

Friends, Christmas, Celebrating, Presents

This footage could be used in a consumer goods company’s holiday video advertising their products. You could add a voice-over or graphics saying something along the lines of, “What’s on your wish list this year?”

Christmas Tree, Xmas, Snow, Winter

This snowy escape clip, complete with a Christmas tree lit up in the forest, would make a perfect introduction shot for a video aiming to set the tone and mood for the season.

Woman, Walking, Winter, Market

This clip looks to be footage from a European city in the winter. It could be incorporated into a video to show the fun of night shopping or attending a holiday market in the snow.


The holiday season is a time when all the senses are heightened—sights, sounds, smells, and tastes. As a content creator, you have a unique opportunity to draw in your audience by adding images and sounds to your video projects that resonate with Christmas. What sights and sounds reminded you of Christmas as a child? Perhaps it was seeing lights strung up in neighborhoods or in the streets downtown, or maybe it was the sound of bells ringing or carolers singing. The ultimate goal is to tug at the heartstrings of your viewers and induce an emotional response.

We hope this blog gives you some fresh and new ideas for your holiday projects and most importantly, have fun creating!

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About the author

Kim is a seasoned content marketing professional with over 14 years of corporate communications experience. Her sweet spot is with creative writing, both short and long-form, and she has a proven track record working with IBM, Jackson Healthcare, and Walt Disney World, among many others. Kim is also a singer and actor and has been performing on stage and screen since she was a child. She has a great passion for TV and film production and went to school for broadcast journalism.
More from Kim Wacker

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