Play with my doll, after I fall
Lay her on your pillow with all
The rest - I can, can you write me
A song work for my child he's poor
Play with my doll, after I fall
Lay her on your pillow with all
The rest - I can, can you write me
A song work for - my child he's poor and wild
Play with my doll after I fall
Lay her on your pillow with all
The stains you left after your sleep
Dream of me - in you on black sheets
Play with my doll, after you fall
Lay her on your - cold floor
I guess your mess is mine
Depends on the time, and my child he's poor and dying
Settled, we go out they go in
Proud of their skin
Little pat on chin, I'll admire the ego
You can do the same to mine
They can stare and swear
Anytime at white lines, we’re
Standing on with little feet
Too little to compete, my eyes are yellow
Like you
Making you falling down, you love it
Sharp and pointy alarms
Look at both of us now, we're flying
In to the show of Milan, Milan