All you need to create amazing videos

  • Unlimited downloads
  • 400K+ premium assets
  • Royalty-free
  • The perfect license for any project

The perfect plan for every video creator

Music & SFX

Soundtrack any type of video with unlimited royalty-free music & sound effects

EverythingArtlist max

Power your videos with unlimited music, SFX, footage, templates, plugins & editing software

Footage & Templates

Tell your story with unlimited stock footage & video templates

microsoftvolvostripegoogleadobeapplemercedesklarnacalvin klein

Premium-quality assets

Create with assets by world-class artists. Royalty-free music, SFX, stock footage, video templates, plugins and video editing software.

Premium-quality assets

Find what you need, fast

Speed up your video creation process with advanced search capabilities, handpicked themed collections and easy-to-use assets.

Find what you need, fast

Assets for literally anything

Access a huge catalog of creative assets, perfect for everything from YouTube videos to movies. Music licensing for every genre, footage for every scene, templates for every video.

Assets for literally anything

Find the right plan for you, no matter your scale or style.

Discover dedicated business solutions tailored to your needs.

Trusted by top creators

Join 4,000,000+ video creators worldwide

Frequently asked questions

Artlist is an all-in-one platform for video creators, providing you with the highest quality digital assets made by leading artists worldwide. We offer royalty-free music for videos, sound effects, stock footage, video templates, plugins, as well as video editing software.
Artlist’s digital assets are all royalty-free, meaning that you can use them in your videos without having to pay royalty fees.
Artlist offers a range of plans, depending on the assets and license you need. We offer Music & SFX plans, Footage & Templates plans and Artlist Max — an all-in-one subscription giving you unlimited access to Artlist. You can get a Pro license that covers every type of video worldwide, including commercial use, or a Social license to cover your social media channels only.
Yes. With a free account you can access watermarked songs and footage to test in your videos, and save your favorite assets into curated collections. To download unlimited unwatermarked assets and use them in your projects, you’ll need to get a paid subscription.
Artlist offers over 400K digital assets for video creators, including royalty-free music, sound effects, stock footage, video templates and plugins. Our catalogs are updated with fresh content daily.

Still have questions? We’re here to help